$20 for $40 in Food & Drinks at Tree Bistro

Escape the buzz of the city and retreat to a friendly atmosphere boasting amazing meals and fine wines. For $20, delight yourself and treat your guests to $40 worth of food and drinks at Tree Bistro. With a savings of $20, the Tree Bistro will soon turn into your favorite hideout. At Tree Bistro, start off with some appetizers like their fantastic French Onion Soup with toasted croutons and Swiss cheese. Or indulge in some oven-roasted escargot with garlic parsley butter or even some savory steamed mussels. Your entrée can be a delicious dish of Seared Salmon, sizzling Sea Scallops, or sensational Steak Frites. When plates are cleared, and the night is almost over, be sure to leave room for some sweet treats like Crème Brulee, Chocolate Mousse, Panna Cotta and Tiramisu. Enjoy the magnificent Manhattan night on the garden patio catching up with old friends while letting loose with a glass of wine. For quality cuisine and good times, visit Tree Bistro! Twenty-four hours after your purchase, please redeem by calling to make a reservation and mentioning your certificate. Please also bring a printed copy of your certificate to the restaurant.