$37 for a $267 Fat Furnace Immersion Program at Boca Fit Body

Set yourself up for the triple threat of losing weight. For $37, dive into the Fat Furnace Immersion Program at Boca Fit Body and watch the pounds fade away. Valued at $267, that’s a savings of 86% as you work hard and take up arms against the annoying battle of the bulge. At Boca Fit Body, receive 14 days of boot camp to whip your body into fighting shape by becoming a super solider of weight loss. You’ll also receive a fat-burning meal plan designed by a staff dietician to help you eat right and shed weight. No worries about bland, cardboard-type food. Instead your diet will be delicious and nutritious, a dynamic duo. You’ll also receive a five-day detox plan of natural foods minus fat burning pills and supplements, designed to help you immediately lose two to five pounds. With a combination of all these battle plans, there no stopping your road to glory and liberation! Shed pounds, get healthy, and see the fitter you. Make it happen by calling to schedule your appointment and mentioning your certificate. Then print and bring your certificate to the session. Victory awaits!