$39 for $95 in Dry Carpet Cleaning by Advantage Cleaning Services

Make your carpet look brand new again with a Dry Carpet Cleaning by Advantage Cleaning Services for $39, a value of $95. Beautify your carpet and remove stains, grit, dirt and smells. Feel worry-free as you invite friends over for a night in your home. Avoid the gruesome looks down towards your hideous carpet! There is a solution to solving your dirty problems. Dry Carpet Cleaning is a safe and effective form of removing dirt, stains and odors with newly-advanced cleaning chemical technologies and machinery. This form of cleaning carpets keeps your carpet looking and smelling fresh and new. Just because your carpet is dirty and has some stains doesn’t mean you need to spend tons of money buying a new one. For $39, the carpet you love can look new again at a minimal price. Protect the quality of your carpet or rug with an Advantage Cleaning Services Dry Carpet Cleaning, and watch as the dirt and smell literally leave your home. The final product will have you loving your carpet just as much as you did when you first purchased it!