$39 for a $95 Micro-Current Facelift at InsideOut Wellness

Unveil your skin's true beauty with a $95 Micro-Current Facelift at InsideOut Wellness. For just $39, you can shed years off your appearance with smooth, supple, radiant skin, all for 59% off. The Micro-Current Facelift is a one-of-a-kind procedure that uses gentle electrical impulses to trigger the body’s natural skin enhancement chemicals at a cellular level. As a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic technique, the treatment is safe, effective and leaves you with skin that's healthy and revitalized. You'll also enjoy additional benefits including improved muscle tone in the face and neck, a reduction and elimination of fine lines and wrinkles, improved facial circulation and more. Don't let age stop you from looking as young as you feel - InsideOut Wellness is here to help.