$3 for $6 Towards Delicious, Nutritious Breakfast Food
Don't start your day by chowing down on a big greasy breakfast. Instead, let's have something a little healthier from The Good On Ya Deli. For $3, receive $6 towards food on the breakfast menu, that’ll leave you energized and amped for a long day ahead. At The Good On Ya Deli, they stress the importance of eating a nutritious meal without added preservatives and processed food. For them, it's organic, natural food that will allow you to have the balanced diet your body craves. The days of feeling tired and unmotivated are over! If you’re running around from a hectic schedule and need a boost of energy, no worries! Breakfast is served all day; besides, your stomach doesn't know what time it is anyway. Good on Ya is good for ya! Step inside a place that's welcoming and fresh, with some healthy, delicious food that’s nothing but the best. Enjoy!