$37 for $247 in 1 Month of Unlimited Boot Camp Plus 3 Fitness E-Books
Burn away the calories, reduce the spare tire and never be embarrassed to wave, “Hello.” For $37, take part in one month of boot camp at Dream Body Boot Camp. Valued at $247, that’s a savings of 82% to getting that healthier body you’ve only seen in your dreams. At Dream Body Boot Camp, work out and get fit using a variety of equipment and fun, exhilarating workouts. These 60-minute classes offer a variety of exercises consisting of cardio, stretching and resistance training. You’ll burn hundreds of calories as you begin to increase your energy, burn away pounds and tone muscle. You’ll also get three fitness e-books: The 13 Ultimate Fat Burning Secrets, Weight Loss Secrets Revealed, and The Ultimate Nutrition Jumpstart, as supplemental material to ensure you’re getting maximum results when working out and eating right. Make the dream of a physically fit you a reality! Make it happen! Get the body you’ve always wanted with the help of Dream Body Boot Camp. Twenty-four hours after your purchase, you may redeem by to calling to schedule an appointment and mention your certificate.