$50 for a $175, 30-Minute, In-Studio Headshot Session

What better way to showcase that gorgeous face than a professional headshot? For $50, you’ll receive a 30-minute studio photo session by Kelly Macdonald Photography. Valued at $175, that’s 71% off showin’ off just how fine you are, while knowing you’re in good hands. Kelly Macdonald is sure to capture your good side during your studio session, and will portray all your best features. Kelly’s professionalism, personality, talent, style and creativity will ensure professional, tactful, and – most importantly – elegant photos. You’ll receive two outstanding digital image shots perfect for your portfolio, social networking, modeling and more. Work your magic and let your smile shine. Kelly Macdonald Photography will create a headshot masterpiece for you. Twenty-four hours after your purchase, you may redeem by calling to schedule an appointment and presenting your certificate upon arrival.