$120 for a $350 Keratin Treatment at Charm Beauty Spa

Sometimes you just want to end it all by grabbing those scissors and going to work on that clumpy, frizzy mess known as your hair. We don’t blame you. For $120, get a Keratin Treatment from Charm Beauty Spa and achieve the fine looking hair you’ve only seen in your sweet little dreams. Valued at $350, that’s a savings of 66% to getting a dynamic duo of silky and smooth. Let the pros work their magic and add a little charm to your hair. You’ll achieve soft, shiny, and luxurious locks that have been eluding you for much too long. The saviors of this salon will come to the rescue as they answer your desperate cries of getting straight and shiny hair. Forget the frizz and the pile of broken combs; instead work it with a killer Keratin Treatment to die for. At Charm Beauty Spa, they’ll make you fun and fabulous like never before. All you need to do is call to schedule your appointment, show up, and let the Charm do the rest.