$20 for a $40 Sand Volleyball Clinic & Tournament
Learn to spike, serve and save with the help of professionals at Austin Beach. For $20, play and learn with a San Volleyball Clinic and Tournament. Valued at $40, you’ll save 50% towards toning your muscles while having fun! Socialize with friends while meeting new ones at the Austin Beach Clinic and Tournament. For two hours, you’ll obtain crucial volleyball information from a trained volleyball professional. Learn the rules, strategies and techniques to becoming a top sand volleyball player. Get a nice tan while you play in your bathing suit under the sun – you’ll be working out without even knowing it! The clinic includes fundamental and team drill instruction followed by a competition tournament at the end. Start as a beginner and train to become an elite volleyball player. Learn the ways of the sand volleyball court during an action-packed informative clinic and tournament at Austin Beach. Twenty-four hours after purchase, you may redeem certificate by purchasing and going online for clinic dates.