$199 for $300 in 6 Weeks of Unlimited Training Classes

Attend your next high school reunion looking the best you ever have! For $199, shed the extra weight and tone your muscles with six weeks of unlimited training classes from Core Fitness Chicago. Valued at $300, that’s a savings of 56% to looking just as good as you did back then. Commit yourself to a six-week training program and watch as the pounds melt away. Core Fitness Chicago is a team of experienced and certified training professionals providing you with the techniques and knowledge you need for a healthy weight loss. Achieve your goals and develop a passion for fitness as you go from large and in charge to healthy and happy. No matter your size, age or gender, Core Fitness will walk you through the proper cardio and weight lifting for your body. Don’t avoid those clothes any longer - slip into that little black dress, throw on those skinny jeans and strut them with pride! Turn your life around with the help of Core Fitness Chicago. Twenty-four hours after purchase, you may call or visit the website to register and mention your certificate. Please print and present your certificate at time of first session.