$110 for a $220, 3-Hour House Cleaning Service
Dust bunnies, old magazines and scattered miscellaneous objects will cause your home to look less than immaculate. For $110, get a three-hour cleaning service to make your residence a spotless place of existence, thanks to Mylie Cleaning Co. Valued at $220, that’s a savings of 50% to having a little organization and peace of mind. Take some time and devote yourself to more important things like family, friends and hobbies. The wonderful wizards of cleanliness will swoop down on their brooms and sweep up any mess that comes your way, thanks to messy kids and husbands. Let the corners, nooks and a crannies of your home be spotless, spic and span. Everyone will think twice before making a mess again! If you want your home transformed to a blissful castle of clean, simply call Mylie Cleaning and make an appointment. All you need to do is mention your certificate and keep it handy for when they arrive.