$55 for $110 for One Month of Youth Karate Classes

Too many reruns of the Karate Kid leave your little tike in martial arts madness? Give them the real deal with Karate lessons from Keefe’s Martial Arts Academy. For $55 your little ninja will receive one month of Karate classes from Sensei/Sifu John Keefe, a $110 value. This kickn’ 50% savings includes a one-hour class taught two times a week and a uniform tee to rep amongst their friends. Karate, the traditional martial art, builds the body and spirit. While your child will receive a great workout, this sport will also teach them concentration, discipline, perseverance, and self-control. Sensei John Keefe has studied martial arts for over 25 years and has extensive study in a range of other forms such as Tai Chi, Taw Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Ju-Jitsu, Boxing, and weaponry from China and Japan. At Keefe Martial Arts Academy your child will never be taught by another instructor or student. Keefe teaches all of his classes first hand to maintain the quality and consistency of learning. The Karate class starts out with warm ups that consist of stretching and strengthening exercises. Following the warm ups are Kihon "basics" which practice punches, kicks, blocks, stances, and footwork. After practicing basics, the rest of the class is spent learning and reviewing Kata (forms), self-defense, and Sport Karate. Let your little grasshopper get the proper training at Keefe’s Martial Arts Academy. Twenty-four hours after your purchase, you may redeem your certificate by to register for class and mentioning your certificate. Print and present your certificate at time of class.