$42 for an $85 Haircut & Style at Sequence Hair

Cancel your current hairstyle and remove it from syndication as a boring re-run. For $42, get a haircut and style at Sequence Hair and prepare to premiere your stellar new hairdo to rave reviews. Valued at $85, that’s a savings of 51% as accolades and compliments come flooding your way. Tune into Sequence Hair, and be welcomed with open arms. Sit back and relax as a professional snips away at your boring, listless hair and styles it the way you want. When you session is over, folks will be wowed and wooed while being in the presence of a budding superstar. Walk out of Sequence Hair with confidence and glamour to face the world anew. Your new hair will get the looks and double-takes it deserves while catching the fanciful eye of someone special. Your haircut and style will be adored by many. Just don’t let it go to your pretty little head. Or, let it - you’ve earned it! Twenty-four hours after your purchase, you may redeem by calling to schedule your appointment and mentioning your certificate. Print and bring your certificate to the appointment.