$24 for a $70 Shampoo, Cut, Style & Conditioning Treatment

There is no need to wake up daily and feel disgust when you look at your dry dead scraggly hair. Luckily, Alicia at Dani & Company can put your hair worries to a rest with a Shampoo, Cut, Style and Conditioning Treatment for $24, a true value of $70. You're saving 66%. Relax and sit back while Alicia, a true hair professional shampoos your locks to get them to their fullest cleanliness. Bask in a conditioning treatment that will supplement the missed vitamins your hair has been dying for and revitalize your hair to look its absolute best. With a good conditioner, your hair will project the shine of celebrities looking radiant and remarkable compared to your old look. Watch in amazement as Alicia turns your hair-do into a hair-done! Be fabulous with a new cut and style shaped to benefit your facial features. The options are endless when your hair is in the hands of a true professional with years of experience. Project a smile of greatness as you leave the salon with a luminous and luxurious hair style as healthy as ever.