$375 for a $750 Restylane with Lidocaine Treatment at Lifeceutical Group

Imagine improving your appearance and looking younger than ever, without taking a trip to the Fountain of Youth. For $375, shed years with a Restylane with Lidocaine Treatment at The Lifeceutical Group. A value of $750, that's 50% off looking as good as you feel. Hectic, stressful schedules can take a toll on your skin more than you realize, making lines and wrinkles appear faster and more evident than you want. Say goodbye to aging skin with the FDA approved Restylane Treatment. An injectable substance, the treatment is comparable to collagen provided by dermatologists, providing the patient with a well-rested and youthful look. Other procedures may begin to deteriorate or even produce more lines. The Restylane Treatment will fill your unwanted lines and wrinkles while adding volume and definition around the eyes, nose, mouth, hands or neck. Forget the Fountain of Youth - you just found your own wonder at The Lifeceutical Group!