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$49 for $101 in Belly Dancing Classes at OC Personal Training


13 Dec, 2011 at 00:00 AM

Move your body like a snake and shake your way to weight loss, all while having fun. At OC Personal Training learn to move your hips for $49 with eight belly dancing classes for one month. Normally valued at $101, that’s two classes per week for 51% off. Work and move every part of your body with belly dancing and watch as the weight just melts away. Belly dancing is a Middle Eastern cardiovascular and aerobic exercise dance known for focusing on the hips, shoulders, chest and stomach. Classes will instruct on different styles of belly dancing while practicing rhythms and movement. Shine some light on your work outs with belly dancing classes, and feel rejuvenated and happy (and maybe a little sassy too!). Take pleasure in feeling good about yourself. Belly dancing results in a positive, friendly state of mind and a physically fit and athletic body. Each belly dancing class will leave you feeling like a million bucks. Shakira isn't the only one who's hips don't lie! Move those hips, and improve your dancing game. Get an ideal work out and have fun doing it!

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