$12 for a $25 Brazilian Wax at Beauty and Youth Spa Salon

Get the flawless look that’s been eluding you for $12 with a Brazilian wax at Beauty and Youth Spa Salon. Valued at $25, achieve smooth, silky skin to savor in the sun at a savings of 52%! Throw away the razors and retire the tweezers. Forget about the cuts and nicks and say, “Goodbye” to the post-shave bumps and burns. At Beauty and Youth Spa Salon, they’ll take care of your waxing needs with delicate care. When it’s over, you’ll be a beacon of beauty with amazing, silky skin. Your beach bod will be ready to go if you plan on hitting the sand and surf anytime soon. All you need to do is pick up the phone and make the call into Beauty and Youth Spa Salon. Mention your certificate, print and bring it with you. Then, voila! Instant beautification!