$27 for a $197 Month of Group Fitness Training Sessions

Step away from the scale. Forget what the digits tell you, and just get to work. For $27, hit the gym hard with one month of unlimited Group Training Sessions at BodyWorks Lifestyle, valued at $197. It’ll be a sweet start to obtaining that fine physique you’ve always wanted, while saving 86%. At BodyWorks, dedicated trainers will guide you in shedding unwanted pounds, building muscle and improving your cardiovascular fitness within a short amount of time. See the results you've witnessed in your sleep with multiple locations and different schedules for your busy, hustling life. You and the trainers will work together to sculpt your body into a walking masterpiece. Working on your muscles and speeding up that metabolism will be perfect combination to getting physically fit and healthy. For one month, you’ll be getting a great head start. Whether you're getting fit for yourself or a special occasion, take up the challenge at BodyWorks Lifestyle. You’ll be bombarded with double-takes and compliments in no time! Twenty-four hours after purchase, you may redeem your certificate by calling and scheduling your appointment. Please mention your certificate and bring a printed copy to your session.