$72 for $145 in 5 Work-Out Sessions at Lisa Fox Exercise Studio

Get an all-around mind and body makeover at Lisa Fox Exercise Studios. For $72, take part in five, one-hour Fox Method Sessions and feel the positive benefits blanket your body. Valued at $145, that’s a savings of 50% to getting fit and feeling great. At Lisa Fox Exercise Studios, you’ll experience an array of different exercises that borrow principles from Pilates, Yoga, core conditioning, Lotte Berk Method and interval cardio training. Let the pounds slip away as you tone muscles and burn away that nagging body fat. This boost in energy will better serve your mind as your self-confidence and focus goes through the roof! A better health, better body, and better mind will make the perfect recipe for success at Lisa Fox Exercise Studio. So what are you looking for? A flatter stomach? Tighter thighs? Or perhaps that double shot of well being and energy. You can have it all at Lisa Fox Exercise Studio. So go get it!