$50 for a $177, 2-Month Membership to Curves & 10 Fitness Classes

Hold on to your sports bras, ladies! It’s now or never to get those bodacious curves you always wanted. For $50, enjoy a two-month membership at Curves and participate in 10 classes of Curves Circuit with Zumba Fitness. Valued at $177, that’s a spectacular savings of 72%. With 10 classes at Curves, you’ll get the effective combo of Zumba and strength training with results that’ll leave you amazed and feeling great. Burn calories, increase your strength and stamina, and get the toned body you’ve only seen in your day dreams. In addition to the classes, you’ll also be able to work out for two months. Any time not spent at Curves is time you could be sweating it up and burning it off. Their facilities consist of cardio, strength and resistance machines designed to work those muscles like never before. Curve your way to Curves to get a curvy body. Too many curves? More like not enough. So let’s get to work!