Alternative Medicine Practitioners
Hypnotist helps clients achieve peak mental performance during meditation that emphasizes positive reinforcement through language.
Certified hypnotist uses therapy techniques to alleviate patients’ anxieties or to help them cease bad habits such as smoking or overeating
Experienced practitioners enlist neurological & orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches
Clearwater closed colonic system purges body of impacted waste & hydrates internal systems during 60-minute sessions.
Laser plays gently with skin’s surface as it pulverizes fat cells below, enabling routine metabolic forces to escort them from body
Licensed massage therapist uses long, flowing strokes and kneading pressure to relieve pain & stress
As client relaxes in private treatment room, M’lis wrap warms body & dispels toxins with ultimate aim being slimmer silhouette
Hydrotherapist oversees closed system of filtered water to gently flush toxins from large intestine while producing no odor
Experienced practitioners enlist neurological & orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches
Noninvasive bioenergetic scan identifies potential food allergies & sensitivities in both kids & adults, assisting in nutrition consultation