Arts & Crafts Supplies

Construct an 18 in. necklace from semiprecious stones or a charm bracelet

Beginning quilters learn the basic skills in specialty shop that stocks an array of supplies & repair services

Quality-minded shopkeepers stock shelves with paints, canvases & tools; expert custom framing services flaunt & protect art.

Quality-minded shopkeeps stock shelves with paints, canvases & artist’s tools; expert custom framing services flaunt & protect art

Skeins of yarn made with diverse fibers, weights & colors line shelves alongside knitting & crocheting books

More than 1,000 customizable wall decals spruce up surroundings with inspirational quotes, animal designs & holiday themes.

Experts smith eye-catching frames in shop stocked with Lukas 1862 oil paints favored by Van Gogh, sable-hair brushes & specialty supplies

10,000-yard fabric inventory provides fodder for at-home projects or sewing classes where students learn to embroider or make potholders.

Flexibly scheduled, seminar-size courses introduce art of knitting in shop stocked with needles & yarns ranging from baby-friendly to silk

More than 1,000 customizable wall decals spruce up surroundings with inspirational quotes, animal designs & holiday themes.