Auto Repair & Services

Oil change & tire rotation help cars to run smoother & longer & brake cleaning improves functionality while helping to silence squeakiness

Auto-maintenance card gives drivers oil changes, tire rotations, flat-tire repairs, brake services, diagnostics & extra discounts

Shareable package grants holders eight oil changes, two tire rotations & inspections & various perks & discounts on service & repair

Shareable package grants holders eight oil changes, two tire rotations & inspections & various perks & discounts on service & repair

Trained mechanics treat cars to tender care with fresh oil & filters, tire rotations & 27-point inspections

Mechanics meticulously check coolant levels, air filters & air conditioners before rotating tires & performing diagnostic services

Skilled mechanics and technicians continue Midas's 50-year tradition of automotive service by revamping engines, brakes, or tires.

In 30–60 minutes, ASE–certified technicians swap out oil with standard or synthetic fluids by Valvoline, Honda, or Amsoil

ASE--certified technicians swap old oil for synthetic blend, rotate tires & perform air-pressure check & 23-point inspection

Hand cleanings purify auto exteriors as buffs & waxes lure reflective luster from dulled finishes & vacuums remove filth from interiors