Bartending Schools

Professional bartender with 25 years of experience teaches students to mix & present drinks, ending with TIPS drinking safety certification

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance

School owner Jesse Dean teaches students to create the herb-infused liquors that flavor traditional cocktails such as the Manhattan

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance

Intro to bartending courses held in mock cocktail lounge educate students in art & science of bottle flips & mixed-drink preparation

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance

40-hour online course instructs students in masterful barkeeping on their own time through video lessons, quizzes & professional guidance