Beauty & Spas

Gliding Swedish strokes assuage stress, bolster circulation, and instill calm

Waxing specialists swiftly remove unwanted hairs from nether regions and underarms

Technicians trim and shape cuticles on both the fingers and toes before adorning them with a fresh coat of polish

Highly trained nurse practitioner and all-female staff wield lasers to stifle fungal infections at the source, allowing clear nails to grow

Mask, massage & eye cream rejuvenate faces in organic facials; peels make use of blueberries or yams & pumpkins for toning & exfoliation

Nonsurgical radio-frequency technologies work to liquefy cellulite and fat cells, which are then flushed out of the body as waste

Dry-brush exfoliation precedes a massage that's accompanied by a seasonal scent; a soothing eye mask finishes the session

Spa packages pamper clients for nearly two hours, leaving muscles relaxed and pores dewy

15-minute treatments work to free legs and faces of spider veins with minimal or no downtime

Deft wax techs lift hair form intimate areas during 45-minute sessions