Comedy Clubs

Ever-changing calendar of professional comics elicits guffaws three nights a week while guests munch on toasted ravioli & buffalo chicken

Comedy Night for Two or Four with Tickets and Drinks in Oakland Park (Up to Half Off)

Standup seen on Comedy Central & Last Comic Standing engages with impish, quick-witted act loaded with audience interplay

Star of MTV show Disaster Date continues comedic ascension during three-day set, dissecting pop-culture events with quick wit & keen eye

Chuckle-corralling performers initiate audience in weekly performances of short-form improv, comedy games & live music

Venerable club with alumni such as Jerry Seinfeld & Dennis Miller hosts established & rising comedians in rotation of showcases

Upscale club barrages boredom with rotating lineup of young comics of local & national renown

Improv artists compete in sports-themed show as audience chants ideas & cheers its favorite to victory, or partake in comedy workshops

Comedian & writer for Jay Leno & Emmy Awards creates laughter eruptions with high-energy, observational standup show

Established club with two locations welcomes renowned comics such as Rob Little & Lamont Ferguson while serving up domestic & imported brews