Cosmetic Surgeons

Noninvasive radio frequencies heat deep dermal layers, helping smooth cellulite and tighten skin with no downtime

Cosmetic surgeon makes eyes appear more open and youthful with upper eyelid lifts; local anesthesia used during this outpatient procedure

Cosmetic surgeon makes eyes appear more open and youthful with upper eyelid lifts; local anesthesia used during this outpatient procedure

Dr. Scott C. Sessions and his team permanently suck fat cells from bellies, faces, or lower body parts during Liposculpture treatments

A board-certified cosmetic surgeon tightens skin in the neck and jowls in a one-hour procedure using local anesthetic

Registered nurse targets spider veins with 50 injections of sclerant that causes veins to disappear & requires no downtime.

Lasers target melanin the hair follicle to stunt growth, nixing the need for waxing or shaving

LightSheer diode-laser system noninvasively targets pigmented follicles with pulses of laser light, halting future growth

After consultation, staff reduces size & appearance of veins with either sclerotherapy injections or laser pulses

A fellow of the American Society of Liposuction Surgery suctions away stubborn fat with a rotating cannula that shortens treatment duration