Cosmetic Surgeons

Skin-nourishing process blends extraction, exfoliation & hydration to help fade wrinkles, void acne & shrink pores with no downtime

Diamond-tipped wand safely swipes away dead skin & increases collagen production to smooth wrinkles & shrink pores

Cosmetic surgeon or registered nurse sclerotherapist performs 50 injections of sclerosant to help shrink & fade spider veins

Board-certified surgeon tackles hard-to-burn fat with laser filament system that ruptures fat cells, tightens skin & boosts elasticity

30-minute SmoothShapes sessions smooth & reduce cellulite with laser technology & LED light

Dr. Solano & medical assistants supervise Ultra Lite weight loss with initial exam, lab tests, custom diet, and follow-up visits

Medical doctors help rejuvenate facial appearances with precise incisions that tighten up sagging skin around eyes

Specialists inject wrinkle-halting Botox in 10-minute treatments that smooth visages for up to four months

Puffy or saggy eyelids rekindle former smoothness as physician ousts excess tissue & fat during one- to two-hour blepharoplasty procedure

Puffy or saggy eyelids rekindle former smoothness as physician ousts excess tissue & fat during one- to two-hour blepharoplasty procedure