Cosmetology Schools

Instructors supervise students as they perform discounted skin, hair, and nail services at cosmetology school’s student salon & spa.

Instructors supervise students as they perform discounted skin, hair, and nail services at cosmetology school’s student salon & spa

Instructors supervise students as they perform discounted skin, hair, and nail services at cosmetology school’s student salon & spa

Cosmetology students wash and hydrate complexions, groom extremities, and paint fingernails with regular or shellac polish.

Students perform manicures, pedicures, waxing treatments & paraffin dips while working toward cosmetology & aesthetician licenses.

Instructors supervise students as they perform discounted skin, hair, and nail services at cosmetology school’s student salon & spa

SmoothShapes' laser light travels deep into epidermis to help smooth cellulite & firm sagging skin with no downtime

SkinTyte's infrared light travels deep into dermis & causes slack tissue to contract & fine lines to smooth out

Instructors supervise students as they perform discounted skin, hair, and nail services at cosmetology school’s student salon & spa

Instructors supervise students as they perform discounted skin, hair, and nail services at cosmetology school’s student salon & spa