Day Spas

Antioxidant scrub softens and hydrates skin and Brazilian wax removes unwanted hair from bikini area

Estheticians knead out stress & groom hands & feet with traditional & sustainable spa products

Armed with Paul Mitchell products, stylists massage necks & drape hot towels before they trim or highlight manes beneath chandeliers

Licensed cosmetologist sculpts chic hairstyles & colorizes ‘dos with partial highlights or lowlights using Paul Mitchell products

Licensed & certified stylists transform manes & revamp dull locks in salon that swells with soothing yellow walls & arched walkways

Physicians at four locations examine eyes to prevent disease & determine prescriptions before customers pick out lenses & frames

Nutrient-rich formulas coat strands in layers of protective protein that help eliminate frizz, increase shine & leave hair smooth

Experienced stylists snip away split ends, repair hair with conditioning treatments & add full or partial color in award-winning salon

Staff at award-winning spa uses exfoliation & mask during cleansing facial & combines rejuvenating back scrub with massage

Unwanted hair lining upper lip, eyebrows & bikini zone quickly disappears at hands of trained techs during waxes