Day Spas

Fruit & cheese follow custom sports aromatherapy massage & facial composed of antioxidants that tighten & tone skin at Best of Boston spa

Certified massage therapists focus on deep relaxation & lymphatic drainage with gentle kneads & soothing strokes or hot stones

30-minute Diamondbrasion sloughs away dead skin, unblocks pores & diminishes dullness

Organic products work to spur detoxification during one-hour body wrap infused with cherry or carrot extracts

Digit technician soaks & shapes nails, coddles cuticles & emblazons tips with durable polish as clients melt into massage chairs

Mineral-rich solutions draw toxins from pores while replenishing skin with nutrients that tighten skin & diminish fat cells

Super Grow laser equipment encourages new hair growth in male & female noggins with 30-minute custom sessions

Experienced digit designers trim, file & lacquer nails in modern studio

Massage therapist eases aches & boosts circulation with flowing Swedish strokes & aesthetic services

Nail specialists soak feet in sea-salt bath before tingly mask & deluxe massage invigorates appendages & nails bask in glossy polish