Staff at family dentistry performs custom teeth-cleaning services with Ultrasonic scalers & whitening treatments
Experienced dental specialists examine mouths, take x-rays, polish teeth, and brighten smiles with Zoom! whitening treatment.
Experienced team performs thorough services in professional office that takes appointments until as late as 9 p.m. on most weekdays
Technicians apply whitening gel to teeth & then activate it with specially designed lights to brighten smiles up to 10 shades
Technicians apply whitening gel to teeth & then activate it with specially designed lights to brighten smiles up to 10 shades
Staff removes plaque and tartar buildup, and the dentist examines teeth and gums aided by a set of x-rays.
Dental staff examines mouths, cleans teeth of plaque & tartar, takes full set of x-rays & dispenses at-home whitening kit
Techs help brighten smiles in 45-minute sessions that combine light-reactive bleach gels with powerful lights to reduce stains
Zoom! or Opalescence Boost whitening treatments brighten teeth in one-hour, in-office session
Light-activated gel delves deep into teeth to help break down stains & brighten smiles an average of eight shades in 45 minutes