
Zoom! whitening gel & lamp work in tandem to brighten teeth by up to eight shades

Zoom! technicians help illuminate teeth by up to eight shades during in-office, light-activated whitening treatment

Industry-expert doctors insert titanium implant that holds natural-looking crown or dentures to complete smiles & restore normal chewing

Comprehensive dental exams issue x-rays and cleanings before the staff takes bite impressions for take-home custom teeth-whitening trays

Light-activated Zoom! gel brightens teeth by up to eight shades & Opalescence trays allow patients to whiten smiles at home

Experienced staff maintains oral health with progressive technology & brightens teeth with Whiter Image treatment

New-patient exams include digital x-rays and cleaning; a take-home whitening kit helps brighten smiles and cover stains

Invisible braces straighten teeth in 6–18 months

Dental team pores through mouths for cavities and gum disease and clears out tartar, or brightens smiles with gentle Boost whitening gel

Dr. Ambaram and Dr. Welch use their dental skills to realign teeth into straight smiles within 6–15 months.