
Noninvasive procedure beams magnetic pulses and radiofrequencies into tissue to diminish fine lines and wrinkles

Laser energy fights fungal infections without harming the neighboring tissue, allowing clear nails to replace thick, discolored ones.

B12 shots may help boost energy metabolism and mental acuity

Physician-led weight-loss program with twice-weekly meetings to teach participants about healthy habits, metabolism, and dangers of sugar

Women's Health Institute administers vitamin B12 injections that can help boost energy & immune-system function

Radio frequencies excite skin molecules in specific areas to smooth fatty tissue and reduce wrinkles

The noninvasive treatment coagulates and dissolves spider veins, causing them to become less visible or disappear entirely

Technicians target unwanted body fuzz with Cutera CoolGlide laser as cooling system comforts all skin types

3-D ultrasound yields four black-and-white photos and an email with digital images after an onscreen viewing for parents & family

Lipotrophic injections doled out in 15-minute appointments can increase energy