Electronics Repair

Dedicated technicians repair defunct electronics & replace cracked smartphone screens in 15–30 minutes with OEM parts & 90-day warranties

Dedicated technicians repair defunct electronics & replace cracked smartphone screens in 15-30 minutes with OEM parts & 90-day warranties

Skilled technicians with Microsoft & CompTIA certifications efficiently restore smoothness to smartphone screens & repair faulty handhelds

Computer whizzes mend LCD screens on electronics such as 3G phones, iPads & laptop monitors brought into store or shipped via mail

Skilled technicians at six locations quickly fix smartphone touchscreens & protect them with accessories

Repairmen mend fractured screens for iPhones, EVO phones & iPads with speedy while-you-wait service at 5 locations

Dedicated technicians repair defunct electronics & replace cracked smartphone screens in 15 minutes with OEM parts & 90-day warranties

Skilled staff preserves memories by transferring fading visual & audio from film, VHS & cassette to dependable DVD or CD with included case

Electronics specialists repair iPhones, iPads & computers with official replacement parts & quick turnaround time

Electronics specialists repair iPhones, iPads & computers with official replacement parts & quick turnaround time