Eyelash Services

Waterproof mascara applied in 20 minutes resists smudges and streaks for up to three weeks; eyelash extensions bolster lash lines

Aestheticians apply approximately 60 lashes per eye, which can last up to 90 days

After applying topical anesthetic, Suzy uses sterile, disposable needles to tattoo brows, lips, and eyes

Technicians apply one extension to each lash over a two-hour session for flirty, natural-looking eyelashes that last about two weeks

Synthetic lashes adhere to natural lashes for realistic-looking extensions that lasts up to four weeks

Experienced makeup artist reshapes brows using wax or tweezers or defines lash lines with NovaLash eyelash extensions

Experienced stylist elongates lashes one by one or in clusters by attaching synthetic extensions that last up to 100 days

Advanced certified Xtreme Lashes stylist applies 75 lashes per eye, producing results that last for up to three weeks

Synthetic fibers adhere to individual lashes for lush lash lines without damage to skin or natural lashes

Licensed permanent-makeup artist embellishes eyes and lips by tinting epidermises with micropigmentation techniques