
Florists arrange blooms into bouquets, baskets, and vases or craft floral drapings, centerpieces, and decorations for next big event.

Staffers at wholesale & retail florist stock supplies & arrange fresh-cut flowers, selling them in-store or shipping them to doorsteps

Striking vases or baskets house springtime blossoms, tropical flowers & plants for any occasion

Florist Anna Pustovit combines tree bark & fresh-cut flowers to create small- & large-scale arrangements for special occasions & events

Florist delivers bouquets, plants & gifts that celebrate life’s many occasions

Half-dozen roses in glass vase or 10 rich tulips in clear glass vase romance recipients for any occasion

Jasmine plant yields aromatic white blossoms under proper care after convenient home delivery

Roses, lilies & orchids join forces in floral arrangements specially designed for events including weddings, birthdays & communions

While sipping wine & nibbling cheese, 10–15 students arrange orchids, lilies & roses into Asian & European designs to take home

Owner with more than six decades of experience stocks nursery with utilitarian & ornamental plants, statues & gardening supplies