Handyman Services

Technicians draw up designs & give pricing estimates for room remodeling projects, or provide man-hours to complete transformations

Trained technicians keep homes cool with 22-point air-conditioning inspections & tune-ups

Professional with diverse expertise spends two hours on repairs, carpentry, painting, landscaping, or other project of client's choice

Technicians scour exteriors of up to 40 windows on one- or two-story house

Bonded & insured craftsmen take on repairs & home improvements in Cuyahoga, Lake & Lorain counties

Bonded & insured handyman tackles plumbing & electrical projects & sets to work assembling furniture

Technicians use dustless and odorless process to buff away nicks and scratches from hardwood floors

Handymen perform small home repairs & services such as changing air filters, patching leaks & cleaning gutters

Certified analysts use infrared technology to improve heat retention and overall energy efficiency.

Technicians with 10 or more years of experience fix leaks, build fences & rewire electricity during two-hour visits