Health & Fitness

Myriad brand-name vitamins and supplements ranging from fiber and glucosamine to minerals and probiotics

Certified guides lead rock-climbing ventures designed to teach technique and equipment knowledge

Certified nutritionist Angela Pifer coaches carnivores and herbivores in vegan meal planning via website and personal communication

Ladies of all abilities build core strength and self-confidence in pole-dancing classes including basic pole and cardio pole

Experienced instructors teach patrons self-defense skills and calorie-burning techniques during boot-camp, martial-arts, and fitness classes

Using circus accoutrements, including aerial silks and hoops, students in all three class styles tone muscles with full-body workouts

Registered nurse administers weekly vitamin-rich injections to help support weight loss; four-week program is customized by a physician

Engaging pole-dancing classes strengthen men or women while bolstering flexibility; parties introduce three to nine women to pole dancing

Buckets of 40–45 range balls help golfers warm up at the driving range before they tackle 18 executive holes studded with sand traps

After determining the sources of back pains, the staff promotes spinal health with a chiropractic treatment and therapeutic massage