Health & Fitness

Membership grants players access to over 30 events, discounted tee times at several courses, and instruction from PGA pros

Yoga studio hosts dozen different dance & yoga classes, including Hatha, Anusara & modern dance styles

Dr. Mayra Modesto-Garrido, DDS, was named one of 2011's Top Dentists by the Consumers Research Council of America.

Chiropractors enlist neurological & orthopedic techniques to uncover sources of pain before gently massaging away aches

Hair-fine needles stimulate energy meridians to balance the body and catalyze holistic healing.

Licensed practitioners help restore balance & harmony by plotting acupuncture needles & mixing personalized blends of chinese herbs

After consultation, radio-frequency energy non-surgically tightens skin in 30-minute sessions

Techs banish fungus from toenails using FDA-certified lasers during 15- to 30-minute sessions; most patients report minimal discomfort.

Experienced and enthusiastic staff show children how to navigate balance beams, dangle from rings, and spring from vaults in small classes

Doctors melt fat from stubborn problem areas through tiny incisions in skin during laser-assisted outpatient procedure