Holistic Medicine

Candela GentleMax laser zaps unwanted fur with efficient aplomb & keeps skin comfortable with cooling tip

Expert technicians ripple ultrasound waves through target areas to naturally eliminate fat cells without need for incisions or anesthesia

Experienced instructors share ayurvedic culinary skills & dietary recommendations to benefit specific body types & emotional patterns

Licensed practitioners cater to clients with acupuncture, bodywork, chiropractic services, fitness classes & massages along with spa & salon

Wooden sauna booths heated to 110–150 degrees emit safe infrared rays that penetrate bodies to soothe, detoxify & promote weight loss

Holistic healers bolster happy bodies & minds with the aid of ionic footbaths, reflexology, & massage services amid tranquil wellness haven

Licensed massage therapists detoxify muscles & soothe stress with head-to-toe massages augmented by apothecary’s botanical products

Certified hypnotherapist specializing in weight loss aims to help patients shed pounds by convincing body that it has undergone surgery

Acupuncturist Daniel Johnson soothes neck & back pain & eases anxiety & illness through ancient Chinese acupuncture techniques

Licensed massage therapist relieves aches & pains with five massage techniques including Swedish, hot stone & Thai