Holistic Medicine
After 20-minute consultation, acupuncturist who studied in China relaxes clients & redirects chi during 40-minute acupuncture session
IPL fights age spots and redness and boosts collagen production; microderm enhances anti-aging effects with hydration and toning
Hot-stone massages soothe muscle tension while skincare treatments exfoliate backs with blends of olive oil and Himalayan salts
Custom plan and MIC/B12 injections support weight-loss efforts by promoting metabolic activity and suppressing cravings
Noninvasive, FDA-approved laser treatment slims inches from the waistline, hips, and thighs with little downtime
Detox machine cleans feet with negative-ion-filled footbath; Ondamed biofeedback treatments balance bodies with electromagnetic frequencies
A registered nurse and holistic therapist mends muscles with gentle to moderate pressure and five invigorating stroke styles
Doctor of naturopathy Julie Mitchell and her team promote detoxification with cleansing, hydrating colonics
Doctor of naturopathy Julie Mitchell and her team promote detoxification with cleansing, hydrating colonics
Medical staff uses the Fotona laser to remove pigmented hair on any skin type