Home Cleaning

Thorough cleaners dust, mop, vacuum & scrub fixtures & appliances in homes & offices within 35 miles of New Port Richey

Trained pros banish dirt, mites & allergens with eco-friendly practices & speedy one-hour drying time

Reliable staff banishes dust & dirt from homes & offices & pressure cleaning beautifies exteriors

Licensed & bonded cleaners attack dirt & grime with eco-friendly cleaning products & services that boast 100% money-back guarantee

Carpet cleaners use green products to groom rugs with Aerus ProLux commercial vacuuming & professional mounted steam cleaning system

Spruce-up pros tidy homes for up to three hours, tailoring each session to clients’ needs, scent preferences & allergy concerns

Professional cleaning crew tackles all aspects of home cleanliness in bathrooms, kitchens, carpet, tile & hardwood

Meticulous crews scour condos, apartments & houses during two-hour cleanings, using green products if requested

Pairs of trained cleaners tackle domestic messes by dusting, straightening & vacuuming surfaces

Licensed, bonded & insured cleaners tidy kitchens, bedrooms & bathrooms in three-hour sessions