Home Services

Licensed & insured landscapers mow lawns to optimum turf height to prevent lawn disease before edging boundaries & cleaning up clippings

Vacuums clear dust & dander from vents as sanitizing system kills bacteria to refresh air, oust allergens & boost energy efficiency

Two professional movers handle boxes & furniture with care & transport clients' objects in secure moving trucks

Moving broker seeks out reliable, licensed & efficient movers & moving consultant supports resettlers & caters to special requests

Thorough interior and exterior cleaning of 15, 30, or 60 windows

After initial scouting of chimney issues, cleaners specializing in creosote & animal removal clear flues to leave behind cleaner hearths

Owner Kenny Burkhart personally scours windows inside & out on one- or two-story homes

Professional technicians revamp disheveled turf with thorough mowing, fertilization & aeration that can improve lawn health

Experienced technicians purge household vents of dust, pollen & debris using HEPA power vacuums & nontoxic products

Technicians evict dirt and grime from up to five home areas and one hallway with powerful truck-mounted cleaning system