
Newly opened stylish garden design nursery ornaments homes with plants, furniture & custom designs for outdoor living spaces

Lawn mower captained by knowledgeable lawn-service technicians removes excess length from shaggy yards

Family-run garden center founded in 1968 graces lawns with trees, shrubs & flowers

Technicians clean roofs & gutters of debris & moss, fertilize lawns & clean & seal decks, all with eco-safe treatments

Landscaping company outfits shoppers with trees, bushes & other greens for beautification of lawns & gardens

Lime balances lawn pH & specialist adds dimension to natural outdoor layout by tending to plants & installing paths, walls & putting greens

Two-person crews arrive to tidy up windblown debris and fertilize lawns until they burst with greenness

Tech spruces up lawns with weeding, edging, raking & shrub trimming or delivers & installs up to 4 cubic yards of brown or red mulch

Technicians mow lawns and clear away clippings over four- or six-week periods.

Staff helps patrons to select from enormous stock of trees, ferns, shrubs & ornamental grasses on 11-acre country nursery