Language Schools

Instructors with minimum of bachelor's degree & two years' experience instill maximum of 60 students with Spanish-language skills

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Native speakers immerse children aged 1–10 in Spanish, Mandarin, French, German or Italian during classes with games, music & activities

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Online courses accredit students for teaching English to non-English speakers with help of personal tutor & access to job database

Native speakers mentor up to six students in Spanish grammar, conversation & culture, leading to basic conversational abilities

45-minute classes impart Italian to kids aged 6 months to 4 years with puppet shows, games, music & other fun activities