Laser Tag

Family-friendly gaming emporium offers battlefield laser tag, gallery of arcade games & popular Xbox & PlayStation games

Mobile laser-tag company converts parks, backyards & other outdoor spaces into futuristic battlefields for up to 10 soldiers

Marksmen wield state-of-art laser guns & vie in myriad missions & scenarios in 5,000-square-foot indoor arena for regular or private play

Marksmen wield electronic arms as they stalk through 4,000 sq. ft. black-lit arena during 15-minute sessions

Pirate-themed laser-tag arena pits teams against one another & racing, shooting & dancing arcade games challenge coordination

Vests & lasers offer protection for up to 36 opponents playing inside 5,000 sq. ft. arena that spans two levels

Black lights faintly illuminate futuristic maze filled with laser-firing combatants

Marksmen compete in various scenario games on six indoor & outdoor fields during two-hour laser-tag round & gobble free Papa John's slices

4,500 sq. ft. indoor heated arena shelters 20 laser-tag missions & weapons crafted from metal

ACCT-certified instructors guide participants through 2.5-hour aviation-themed zipline course