Martial Arts

Students pummel standing targets and pads during cardio-kickboxing sessions; Zumba classes fuse aerobics with dance moves

Experienced therapists meld modern spa services with acupressure treatments designed to affect the body's energy flow

Kickboxing burns calories; cage fighting divides workout into five five-minute rounds of no-contact exercise

Professional instructors help students gain strength and burn calories while learning 1,000-year-old art of muay thai kickboxing

Gain comprehensive training in full-contact martial arts through a combination of group classes, conditioning, and sparring

Burmese boxing, fitness kickboxing, mixed martial arts, and submission wrestling classes led by experienced fighters

Instructors teach Vinyasa yoga to students of all ages, focusing on an accessible, "user-friendly" style

Certified black-belt instructors lead adults of all levels though one-hour kickboxing classes that build endurance, strength, and muscle

Instructors emphasize modesty, integrity, and perseverance while teaching self-defense to students of all ages

Classes teach self-confidence and self-defense to toddlers through adults in karate, tae kwon do, and Krav Maga styles