
A massage therapist soothes sore muscles with a deep-tissue or hot-stone massage, which works to release toxins and improve moods

Trained therapists ease soreness and tension with gentle Swedish strokes, deep-tissue pressures, or hot and cold therapies

Massages performed by a licensed therapist specializing in Swedish, deep-tissue, and shiatsu modalities

Licensed massage therapist pores over muscles with gentle, relaxing Swedish technique during 60- or 90-minute massage

Staff soothes stressed clients or expectant mothers with help from cold stones and administers full acupuncture consultations and treatments

Massage therapists reduce stress and enhance circulation with gliding Swedish strokes and the targeted pressure of reflexology

Massage therapists versed in ancient Chinese techniques stimulate precise points to open energy pathways and relieve pain and stiffness

Licensed massage therapist ousts stress, tension, and stiffness from bodies

Aromatherapy workshops delve into three essential oils and herbs; cranialsacral unwinding treatments use touch to help alleviate pain

Phoebe Renee uses gentle Swedish massage to induce relaxation and boost circulation inside a candlelit salon