Specialist targets allergies, assesses health and recommends lifestyle adjustments
Licensed aesthetician gives massages tailored to clients' needs; facial includes extractions and helps reduce hyper-pigmentation
Licensed massage therapist works out kinks with deep-tissue massages in a warm, comfortable room filled with soft music
Stay fully clothed while therapist applies pressure to your head and neck to treat issues ranging from stubborn pain to chronic ailments
Organic sugars and olive oil exfoliate and nourish skin; infrared sauna detoxifies skin; Swedish massage soothes muscles
Massage therapist couples deep-tissue kneading with targeted points of reflexology and detoxifying suction of cupping
Licensed massage therapist relieves tension and bolsters circulation with gentle, gliding strokes
Licensed muscle-melters soothe tight tendons & reduce stress with one-hour massages at clinics, wellness centers & health spas
Choose from five different treatment modalities, including a traditional Thai massage designed to remedy ills with up to 17 types of herbs
Customized massage performed by therapist specializing in pressure-point and trigger-point techniques